Ahah! Voila, does anyone know what it is, or are there a multitude of ideas of what it could be?
Leadership is very individual, we are all leaders in our own lives, making decisions as to where we live and work and play. We choose our directions and although the system plays a role unexpectedly at times, inequalities, poverty, racism, within these boundaries there is room for temperament, caring, and encouragement which could smooth a path to leadership for some. There are many motivators that could entice leadership, maybe the largest is our inherent nature to make a contribution to life, to society, often compelled by age or aging.

Our lives are our models to
which we may make a score against our own concerns not necessarily listening to others' paths unless as chosen mentors. We can all be leaders and have, to some extent or another. It may be easier to lead when you can find some passion about a circumstance or you hear the passion in others and would like to contribute. So, leadership can also be just modeling a behaviour, this is how many parent, from example. If I am passionate about sustainability then my neighbours might know because of some simple modeling, as growing my own vegetables, having compost and growing a pollinator garden, utilizing a rain barrel, and not spraying my lawn with pesticides. Actually, I might not even have a lawn or I might have an electric mower or even a push mower, which I do.
Now when creative is placed in front of leadership does that change the idea of leadership? Does the notion that it is creative give us leeway to be outside of the box? To not have an iron fist and say this is the way but to have an ear to what people need and want and care about, to listen and respond in a compassionate way, with empathy.

By adding creative will you see me in a different light, with a different understanding because I say I am creative? Maybe, maybe not. It does however make me feel that the notion of leadership is not as structured and maybe more engaging than your usual format, or way of doing things. But when it is not as fun and exciting as one might expect will the creative connotation be a bust?
I think a creative leader must have a goal post or an idea that they want to bring to fruition whether it is to listen, be patient, be respectful, be thoughtful of the problem, the solution, the stakeholders, the environment, the system. Ultimately they need to be open to others, open to innovation, to what is really important or what is at stake. I think there is always hope of a positive direction, maybe more accurately circular when talking sustainability.